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St. John’s Episcopal Hospital Appoints Hermelina Zabala as Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer

Far Rockaway, New York, March 21, 2022 — St. John’s Episcopal Hospital has appointed Hermelina (Lin) Zabala, MSN, RN, FNP, to the role of Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer.

In her new role, Ms. Zabala will ensure the high quality of nursing services, use strategic planning to balance efficient and optimal patient care, create and maintain standards of care, and monitor the progress of quality initiatives.

Prior to her most recent role of Assistant Vice President of Quality Assurance and Nursing Operations, Ms. Zabala has held various roles since joining St. John’s in 1988 including Staff Nurse, Nurse Educator, Nurse Manager, and Associate Director of Nursing.

“Lin is an extremely competent leader, and I am sure that she will significantly contribute to the success of St. John’s and the health of our patients,” said Dr. Christopher J. Parker RN, NEA-BC, CHCQM, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “She is a natural leader who inspires others through positive interaction and the tireless example she sets with her own work ethic.”

After receiving a St. John’s recruitment brochure in her native country of the Philippines, Ms. Zabala began her career at St. John’s in 1988. She left her family and friends to take a chance at establishing a life in the United States. Upon her arrival, the hospital arranged for Ms. Zabala to live with a family in the Rockaways for six months while she adjusted to her new life and role at St. John’s.

“Throughout the 30 years that I’ve spent at St. John’s, I had the good fortune of having excellent mentors including former Chief Nursing Officer, Gwen Pinckney, and our Chief Operating Officer/Former Chief Nursing Officer, Dr. Christopher Parker,” Ms. Zabala said. “I will never forget how nicely I was embraced by the Rockaway community when I came to the US without my family and friends. I feel as though I owe this community a great deal, and this is what continues to motivate me to help those in need.

About Episcopal Health Services

Episcopal Health Services Inc., (EHS) is a health system located on the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens, New York. The system provides emergency and ambulatory care to the densely populated, culturally and economically diverse, and medically underserved Rockaways and Five Towns populations. The system provides people of all faiths with comprehensive preventive, diagnostic treatment, and rehabilitative services, regardless of their ability to pay.