St. John’s Welcomes New Year Baby
Far Rockaway, New York, January 7, 2019 — St. John’s Episcopal Hospital welcomed the hospital’s first baby born in 2019 on January 2nd. Mr. Sean Thorsen and his wife, Eun-Chong (EJ) Thorsen gave birth to a son, Jake Sean Thorsen at 12:04am. Jake is the couple’s first child.
Each January, the staff at St. John’s looks forward to the birth of the hospital’s first baby of the new year as a joyful, special moment for all at the hospital. 2019 was no different as Jake entered the world, weighing 6 pounds and 8 ounces and at a height of 20 inches. “We are very excited to celebrate the birth of Jake Sean Thorsen with his parents, family, and friends,” said Gerard Walsh, CEO of St. John’s. “The first baby of the new year is always a milestone event, and we wish Jake and his family many happy, healthy years to come.”
Baby Jake and his family were presented with an array of baby equipment, which was generously donated by the hospital.

About Episcopal Health Services
Episcopal Health Services Inc., (EHS) is a health system located on the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens, New York. The system provides emergency and ambulatory care to the densely populated, culturally and economically diverse, and medically underserved Rockaways and Five Towns populations. The system provides people of all faiths with comprehensive preventive, diagnostic treatment, and rehabilitative services, regardless of their ability to pay.